・Don't Be Afraid of Dying・
・Released on 2017 Nov. 22・Runtime: 32:03・
- 1. J.ust keeps getting worse, doesn't it- -introshit- (1:21)
- 2. U.nfortunate, but what can you do about it -gin$engtrillshit- (2:47)
- 3. N.ecrophilia - it applies to the dead inside now -lorncloudshit- (4:13)
- 4. K.illing time for the fuck of it -emoguitarshit- (2:45)
- 5. O.f course, it's the worlds fault i'm fucked up -vestigeiiphonkshit- (2:49)
- 6. F.ourty four days in hell & back -desolationwitchshit- (2:22)
- 7. U.nder the weight of a thousand demons -crycaswitchshit- (1:59)
- 8. R.ecalling how to control myself -opnlofishit- (4:36)
- 9. U.nderneath this skin of ours lies true humanity -ambienterlude- (3:13)
- 10. T.his is war -girlslasttourshit- (2:59)
- 11. A.nd now... -brokenoutroshit- (2:59)
- The first song samples a real 911 call from a child named Nicki (Nicky?) after their brother committed suicide. I wasn't able to find any information about the call other than that online.
- The first letter of each title spells out Junko Furuta, the name of a Japanese girl who was horribly abused, raped, and murdered after 46 days.
- This album isn't listed on any of Jvne's official release streams anymore - according to last.fm, it was removed from Bandcamp in July 2022.